
Product Design & Internet Art

Rachel Winchester

Product Design
& Internet Art

Visual Webmaster

Killing PowerPoint

A Webpage/Pageless Presentation Design Workshop

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Slide decks, slideshows, and PowerPoints are tied to a time when content was static and contained in finite pages. We navigated through content by moving from slide to slide, page to page; we had to turn the page or hit ‘next’. But now we have websites and digital media. Not only has content evolved drastically, but so has the way that we can interact with this content on a screen. Webpage presentations fit in with today’s visual culture. Today, we can present content in a way that matches how we naturally view and experience the world.

Version 2: New and Improved

Join Rachel ‘Win’ Winchester for an immersive workshop that will revolutionize the way you approach presentations. If you caught “Death to Slide Decks” last year, you’re in for a treat – this workshop kicks off with Version 2 of the webpage presentation, refined through Win’s extensive experiences at over a dozen events.

Topics Covered:

  1. Evolution of visual storytelling
  2. Rationale behind the switch to webpage presentations
  3. Practical insights on building webpage presentations using page builders, WordPress, and other tools

Hands-On Creation:

Participants will begin crafting their presentations during the workshop using platforms like WordPress, Elementor, Google Docs, or graphic design software such as Figma, Adobe, and Illustrator.

Who Should Attend?

  • Public Speakers: Revolutionize your visual storytelling and captivate your audience with cutting-edge techniques.
  • Teachers and Educators: Better engage with your students through dynamic and interactive presentations.
  • Startup Founders: Create compelling pitch decks and investor presentations to sell your ideas and stand out among the crowd.

Why Attend?

  • Stay Ahead: Webpage presentations are the future. Learn the skills that will set you apart in a world saturated with traditional slide decks.
  • Personalized Guidance: Win will guide you through the process, whether you prefer a CMS like WordPress, page builders like Elementor, or graphic design tools like Figma or Adobe, ensuring the workshop suits your needs.


  1. Intro Presentation
    Take notes while watching win present Version 2, the new and improved version of the webpage presentation Death to Slide Decks
  2. Outlining & Sketching
  3. Build or Develop
    Using your chosen platform, start creating your presentation. Win can assist attendees creating presentations in Figma, Elementor, WordPress, Google Docs pageless format, and other platforms for visual design and or communications. 

Post-Event Support:

Benefit from Win’s expertise even after the workshop, receiving feedback to elevate your presentation to the next level. Send her the webpage or doc, or send her a recording of yourself giving your presentation. She’ll respond with helpful feedback for improvement.

The Original Death to Slide Decks (2023):



Saturday, April 27th @
2:00 pm ET


Saturday, May 11th @
2:00 pm ET

Art & Design Showcase

Creatives for Hire

Coming in Spring 2024

Apply to Participate


WordPress as a Paintbrush

Internet Art Then & Now

Coming in Spring 2024

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As we venture into the future, we lean on history. The original Internet Artists, or Net Artists, working in the early 1990s, created artworks using the internet. Before the New York Times got online, artists like Mark Amerika, Olia Lialina, and JODI were using the internet as their artistic medium (demos included). For them, the internet was a new frontier – novel and unexplored. But, this was before WordPress and before most of us were truly aware of the internet and its capabilities. Newer tools like full-site editor provide a true no-code experience to website creators everywhere. Now, more people have the opportunity to create online and actively participate in the internet landscape. Plus, everyone can start an internet company and create internet art.

But what do we actually do once we rediscover the original Internet Artists? We learn from their innovation and fearless approach to new technologies. Artificial Intelligence is a new dilemma for artists of all kinds, especially those already working in tech. These trailblazers offer us invaluable lessons in innovation and a fearless approach to embracing new technologies, in particular, Artificial Intelligence (AI). By examining the pioneering spirits of the original Internet Artists, we uncover a wellspring of creativity, adaptability, and resilience that can empower today’s artists to harness the potential of AI.

event poster

Marked Safe in the Platform Wars

Staying Sane Online

Coming in Summer 2024


Schedule A Private Screening

Book a private event or custom workshop for your organization.

Schedule a call to learn more

3 theater chairs

Livestream Interfacings

Watch Win interview inspiring individuals live on social media to ask them about the work they do that makes them so amazing.
